The strange life of a strange people: the secrets of the Hunza

The strange life of a strange people: the secrets of the Hunza

The HUNZA's are very long-lived, both young and old are vigorous, enduring enduring and astonishing health. I wonder why?

Interesting and thought-provoking. Hunza - where people live for 100 years. They do not know about civilization, including cancer. Hunza is located in the northernmost tip of Pakistan, where Pakistan meets with Russia and China. Its landscape is breathtaking; no less than six mountain ranges are in this area . The average height of the mountain peaks is 6100 meters, and the 7600 meters high Rakaposhi peak is here. Hunza's people live in a particularly fertile valley that is surrounded by rocky trails.
The population of 10 to 30,000 in the valley has been almost completely closed for almost two thousand years from the rest of the world. Up to now, the area was almost inaccessible, as the only entry and exit was a winding trail around the sides of the surrounding mountains , where transport is most risky for most of the year. The road is only 60 centimeters wide. It must be crossed by dangerously frivolous rope bays, and in many places the road is kept only by trunks hanging out of the steep cliff.
The Huntsans do not know heart disease, high blood pressure, tumor diseases. Women are unfamiliar with the menopause, men are still at age 90 and dance at their festivities. Thanks to their thousands of years of geographical isolation, hunts follow healthy and natural habits. A Hungarian author , László Csáji Koppány (The Fairies in Extinction - From Hun to the Huns) wrote a book about the spiritual ethnography of the community living in the Pakistan-Afghan-Chinese border area (for example, not yet known for their shamanizing habits ).

Prior to the 2001 research trip to Csáji, eight decades ago, a world-renowned British surgeon, Dr. Robert McCarrison, wrote in the Journal of the American Medical Association of 7 January 1922: "There is no known case of cancer in hunts. There are huge apricots in this people . Apricots are dried in the sun and consumed in abundant quantities. McCarrison was appointed by the Government of Great Britain at the beginning of the last century, during the British occupation, to observe the nutrition of India. The British physician described the habits of the Gilgit zone in one of the provinces of North India, North Kashmir. He did, however, reveal that he had discovered a people - the hunts - who had no doctors and their hospitals, yet their sons reached a median age of 100 years, with perfect vitality and good health. He studied them for seven years, and he did not even discover the only disease in the world at that time. In the 90-110 years of age population, it was found that their blood pressure, cholesterol levels and cardiac function were normal.

They found the secret of their lives alone in their eating habits . The hunts eat vegetables and fruits, cereals, milk and dairy products without cooking - so they are almost exclusively eaten raw! - and meat is rarely eaten . They do not use grated (white) rice, sugar and salt at all , they have not even heard of synthetic foods. In the energy shortage of Hunza, the economic constraint is to minimize fuel consumption, so they eat very little and eat at least 80% of their meals. There are plenty of yellow and peaches, pears, apples, prunes, grapes, cherries, sepulchres, figs and many melons, lots of wild berries. Their main foodstuffs are wheat, barley, millet, buckwheat, and grass-like seedlings called Job's teal. In summer, the fruits are eaten raw, and dried in the winter and in the spring

In Hunza, typical winter breakfast is made of dried apricot and millet made with freshly ground flax seed. Of vegetables, mustard, spinach, lettuce, roots such as carrot, parsnips, potatoes, horseradish; beans, chickpeas, lentils and other sprouted legumes, and gourds are known. Many grasses are also used for eating and therapeutic purposes, such as mint or thyme. Flax seeds are also grown and have few foods that would not contain this or in any form. They also like fresh tubers of maize, they do not even cook. In the winter, the Huntsans inoculate the lentils, beans and peas, then wet them in the sun and eat them when they start germinating.
In the land of the Huns, where the notion of money was unknown , the wealth of a man was measured in the number of apricot trees he possessed. Every traveler makes mention of the huge apricot lilies of the Huns. The fruits that are produced in us are consumed every season of the year, when the crop is fresh, but it does not throw away its seeds, but it is dried out in the sun and it goes off in the winter. They eat 30-50 peach seeds a day . From this, they press oil to bake and cook, and they are also used as cosmetics. The face of their women is wrinkled, velvety thanks to the pressed apricot oil.

One of the characteristics - and pride - of the White Hun women is the age that is actually 15-20 years old. Dr. Allen E. Banik, an ophthalmologist, also came up with a book titled Hunza Land - Whitehorn Publishing Co., 1960 . It gives detailed accounts of the lifestyles of the Huns. He noted that hunza adults have 50 grams of protein, 36 grams of vegetable fat, and 354 grams of carbohydrates consuming slightly more than 1900 calories per day. (For comparison: an average American daily intake of energy is 3300 calories, 100 grams of protein, 150 grams of fat). Researchers have also observed that the traditional hunza diet contains two hundred times more nitriloside than the average American diet. The nitrilosides in cereals and in the fruit of the trunks also - dr. Szabolcs Ládi, a physician, "has an effect on the body that cells that are tumor-dividing or tumor-transformed, selectively, from within, poison and block the tumor cell further."

The drinking water of the long-lived white hun comes from streams of melting mountain glaciers. This water is full of minerals released from rocks, almost white from them, so the hunts are called the mountains of the mountains . Water rich in minerals is also picked up by the plants and brought to the surface in their leaves. The hunts consume many such plants (buckwheat, millet, alfalfa - cereals that are extremely rich in vitamin B17 , like the seeds of apricot).

The amount of minerals they consume each day is one hundred times what the doctors recommend in Western civilizations. The Hunza-land, the high mountain range, is a very difficult way of living for those living here. The secret of their long life is the work, the eternal movement, the moderate dough, most of all the thousands of apricot trees (in Vitamin A). The hundred-year-old hunza who is exposed to the mountain wind, the dreary winter and the burning day, would seem to be sixty in our society

The sons of one of the six longest-living groups on Earth, the Huns, spend 7 to 10 hours a day on the storm day. Their skin does not show any harmful changes, because - as a Hungarian family doctor - "sun radiation can be carcinogenic if the organism that is weakened by the lack of minerals and vitamins reaches ultraviolet radiation".
Note: This article is translated from Hungarian language with the help of google translate.

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